Dyslexia Awareness Bulletin Board Kit
The Dyslexia Awareness Bulletin Board Kit (printable PDF) includes facts and information about dyslexia that everyone should know.
Brilliantly Dyslexic Lesson Plan
The classroom reading guide and lesson plan (PDF) to accompany Brilliantly Dyslexic.
Dyslexia Fact Sheet
This handy 2 page PDF includes dyslexia basics: What dyslexia is/isn't and Common myths and misconceptions.
Resources for Parents & Teachers
Want more than the basics? This smart PDF includes all the books, websites, and videos you'll need.
Children's Books about Dyslexia
From pictures books to novels, this smart PDF has our readers most recommended books about dyselxia for kids.
Brilliant Strengths by Nicki Winters
A Strengths-Based Program Designed to Raise Self-Esteem and Lower Anxiety in Students with Dyslexia. *Not Free*
Other Helpful Resources
Dyslexia at a glance by International Dyslexia Association
What is Dyslexia? by Understood.org
About Dyslexia by Made by Dyslexia
Lists of accommodations by Dyslexia Initiative